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Important Tessitura Spaces you can log into

Tessitura Session - RAMP -

Remote Access Management Plan

- RAMP (Remote Access management Plan) is the staring place to a start a Tessitura session.

You have a choice of which environment to log into

          - Prod - where all the live data sits

          - Test - is a somewhat accurate representatin of prod and is the place to test learn and test new things.

Who has access - Anyone who uses Tessitura in any way

Login - use your Tessitura RAMP username and 2fA code

How to get access - Request it from Tessitura Admins. This requires a special Tessitura Login, 2fA and a Citrix Client to be installed on your workstation.  We will send you your Tessitura username and Tokens needed to setup the 2fA. Follow these instructions:

Generally, you need to log into the RAMP Cloud Portal using. From there you choose a tool. Some of the tools trigger the opening of Citrix client on your workstation. This Citrix client is your tool to work in Tessitura

If a RAMP tool ever pops up a blue logn box and one of the options is to log in using the AD login - check that box and click login.

Check this doc for a Login Walk through and Instructions for setting up Tessitura RAMP Access

Tessitura Network -

Where you find Tessitura Documentation, KB's and the Tessitura Community - where every institution that uses Tessitura shares their experiences

Login - is your Tessitura Network login  - use your email and the password you entered when registering

Who has access - anyone who has anything to do with Tessitura.

How to get access - You need a Tessitura Network Login. Anyone can create a login using their email. On the Tessitura Network login page - upper right choose Login - then in the window that pops up click on Register – fill in your information using your email address – then click register at the bottom choose registration

On The Go -

Tessitura Web space that can be access from the Web, including your mobile browser. You have access to:

  • Constituent Records
  • Plans and My Portfolio
  • Worker Resource Schedule
  • Reports
  • Tessitura Analytics

Login - use your Tessitura Login username but you must precede it with "tnhs\"  - tnhs\twahl001

Who has access - anyone who has access to Tessitura.



Tessitura Network Dashboard -

Login - is your Tessitura network login ( email and the password you made when registering)

What its For - This is the Tessitura Support Portal where you can log Tessitura helpdesk tickets

Who has access - anyone who has anything to do with Tessitura.

How to get access - You need a Tessitura Network Login. Anyone can create a login using their email. On the Tessitura Network login page - upper right choose Login - choose registration

TNew - Tessitura Network Express Web

Login - use your Tessitura Login username but you must precede it with "tnhs\"  - tnhs\twahl001

What it's For:

-  E commerce portion of Tessitura

URL's for what is live to the public in the internet:

 Live TNEW Site:
Test TNEW Site:

TNew Backend Admin Access - is separate from the rest of Tessitura backend admin access

Live TNEW Admin:
Test TNEW Admin:

Who has access - anyone on the project Team that needs to configure anything in TNew

How to get access - Request it from Tessitura Admins. This requires a special Tessitura Login created for you. This does NOT need 2fA or the Citrix client

Self Service Portal -

Place where Tessitura admins can create/configure Tessitura Logins, passwords and 2fa tokens

Place where you can change your password or disconnect any orphaned connections

Login - use your Tessitura username, password and 2fA

Who has access - only the highest level Tessitura admins

Tessitura Security

Place where admins create Tessitura AD logins for both Tessitura RAMP users and non RAMP users (like 3rd party API access)

Add users to security groups to restrict access to just what's needed

Creation date: 4/16/2023 5:11 PM      Updated: 4/16/2023 5:11 PM