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HOW TO Constituent Management for SOWs and VFTs


This article reviews the troubleshooting aspects to adding teachers and school districts into Tessitura. The reader should understand how to add a new constituent, adding a constituent to school, updating contact information, and managing associated accounts like school districts. There are two sections to this article: School Constituents and Add a New Constituent. These steps are essential to setting up SOWs and VFTs if we are missing any Constituent information. 

Stuff to Know

  • The School Constituent Management section contains how to add and edit different fields needed for school constituent files 
  • The Add the New Constituent section outlines the process of how to create a new Constituent file for a school 
  • Acronyms: 
    • SOW = Science On Wheels 
    • VFT = Virtual Field Trip


Review the recorded meeting presented by Diana Hennick here

School Constituent Management

1) Use the "Constituent Search" tool in the top ribbon of Tessitura 
2) In the search bar, type in the name of the school

3) Check that all the contact information under the "General" tab such as Mailing Address, Phone, and Email are all up to date 
a) Note: Contact information should be directly for the school and not associated with an individual teacher. If there is teacher information delete it from the "General" information and add the teacher or employee as an Associate of the school.

4) Ensure that "Constituent Type" matches the school's type: Public, Private, or Other 
a) Click on "Constituents" in the top ribbon of the window 
b) Then "Change Constituent Type"  
c) Select credit constituent group 

5) If applicable, use the "Contact Details" tab to add additional contact information such as a billing address or an office phone number 
6) Add a teacher or employee contact under the "Relationships" tab 
a) Note: If a person affiliated with the school is not in Tessitura, you will have to make a new Constituent Individual. Follow the steps in the Add a New Constituent section 
7) Click on "Add Affiliation"  
a) If you need to add an entity like a school district, click on "Add Association"

8) Under the "Attributes" tab is where a new Public-School constituent will be linked to: 
a) Necessary Fields: 
i) Congressional District 
ii) County 
(1) Follow the hyperlink to find School District information 
School Type 
State Legislative District 

9) If the school has scheduled multiple SOWs or VFTs, click on the "Connections" tab under the "Contact Log" subsection shows the SOW history for the school

Add a New Individual Constituent

If there is not an existing Constituent when scheduling, follow these steps to add the new Constituent. Review the recorded meeting presented by Diana Hennick here

1) Search for name to confirm an account doesn't already exist 
2) If one does not exist, Tessitura will prompt user asking if they want to make a new Constituent 
3) Click "Yes" 

4) A window will pop up titled "New Constituent"  
5) Select "Individual" and press OK 

6) A new "General" tab will open 
7) Required information: 
a) First (or Suffix) and Last Name 
b) School's Address 
c) Email Address 
d) Original Source = Registration (unless otherwise indicated) 
e) Business Title: [Teacher Name] @ [School Name] 
i) i.e. Jane Smith @ Public School 

8) Click on the "Relationships" tab  
a) If applicable, click on "Yes" to save change 
9) Click on "Add Affiliation" 

10) A new window will appear titled "Affiliation" 
11) Click on the box next to "Affiliation Id"

12) A new "Constituent Search" window will open 
13) Search for the school's name 
14) Double click on the School account

15) Using the "Type" dropdown select Current Employee or Current Volunteer 

16) Adding a "Start Date" is optional 
17) Type any necessary notes 
18) If applicable: 
a) Individual already has an existing membership with PacSci then use the "Contact Details" tab to add a Postal Address for the school as a "Business Address" 
b) There are duplicates, PacSci Memberships accounts take priority and any other accounts with the same name should be merged with Membership
Creation date: 4/14/2023 2:43 PM      Updated: 4/14/2023 2:43 PM
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