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Submitting a Ticket vs Radio Call


HelpDesk Ticket

Radio Call


Non-Emergency requests such as a light bulb is out or a new badge needs to be issued Emergency requests or requests that require immediate assistance such as a door is broken and won't close


Ticket items will include requests such as new trash cans or paper towels for a room. These requests should be non-urgent Urgent requests such as spill or a bathroom is out of toilet paper during open hours


Non-urgent request such as needing a new mouse or prepping a laptop for a new employee Fatal computer errors


Requests for new signage ideas An exhibit is broken or requests maintenance

PacSci Knowledge Base

Requests for new documentation for how-tos, FAQs, informational docs, etc. Information in an article is actively damaging processes and people's success. Contact Kelsey Jetter via Email or Teams if not Onsite
Creation date: 6/22/2023 12:40 PM      Updated: 6/22/2023 3:41 PM