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Constituent Management: Marking and Filtering Deceased Constituents


This article reviews the steps needed to mark constituents who have passed away as well as how to filter out those constituents for acknowledgement letter purposes. 

Table of Contents

1) Marking a Constituent as Deceased
2) Creating a List to Filter Out Deceased Constituents

Stuff to Know

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Marking a Constituent as Deceased in Tessitura

1) Login into Tessitura Prod

2) Search for the Constituent Household by typing in the name or Constituent ID

3) Click on the individual in the Household that should be marked as deceased

4) In the first box under the "General" tab, use the "Status" drop down and select "Deceased"
a) NOTE: This process is not complete until you deactivate the profile

5) Click on "Constituent" in the top ribbon and select "Inactive"

6) A small window will pop up titled "Question" asking if you want to inactivate this person 
7) Click "Yes"

8) Another small window will open titled "Inactivate Constituent"
9) Highlight "Deceased" and click "OK"
a) Patron Request is used when a Constituent requests to have their information removed from our database

10) There should be an "Inactive" status applied in the bottom box of the Constituent Profile labeled "Other"

Creating a List to Filter Out Deceased Constituents

In List Manager, "Name 1 Status" is used to identify constituent records that have "deceased" in the status field on the general tab. When you are creating your list, be sure to include "Name 1 Status - does not have Deceased", along with your other list criteria. 


If you are using extractions to create your mailing list, you have the option of excluding anyone marked as deceased from your list by using "deceased" as one of your suppression segments. 

Always check the "Names" tab on household records when you are marking one of the members as deceased. Be sure to double check that all the applicable household salutations have been updated correctly.
Creation date: 5/31/2023 2:10 PM      Updated: 6/2/2023 3:52 PM
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Process docs for how input gifts and donations into Tessitura