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HOW TO Deposited Checks from Accounting


This article provides the step-by-step process on adding donation gifts information from deposited checks to Tessitura. This process is utilized by Development to add and manage donations that are sent to PacSci. This article specifically reviews how to read checks and input them into Constituent accounts. By the end, the reader will know how to access check information submitted from Accounting, input the information to Tessitura, and how to post a batch for donations. 

Table of Contents

1) Prep Checks 
2) Gift Checks 
a) Hard Credit 
b) Soft Credit 
3) Pledge Checks 
a) Adding a New Pledge 
4) Attaching Documents in Tessitura 
5) Close Batch

Stuff to Know

    • Acronyms: 
      • HC – Hard Credit 
        • The donation is coming directly from the donor. If their donation is over $500, they are eligible for membership 
      • SC – Soft Credit 
        • The donor prompted a third party to send the money to PacSci. This can be anything from an employer, IRA, etc. We always want to thank the Donor as a Soft Credit and not thank the entity that sent the money on the donor’s behalf.  
    • Gifts and Pledge checks on the same Deposit Date can go on the same batch 
    • You will need Adobe Pro if you need to extract pages from a PDF. Contact IT for permissions 
    • Watch the Donor Information Coordinator go through this process here

Prep Checks

1) Administration opens the mail and scans checks and associated documentation.  
2) Scans are saved in the Accounting SharePoint 
a) Naming convention: Payment type – YEAR.MO.DAY - Source 
 e.g. ACH - 2023.06.02 - UKOGF Foundation 
 e.g. Check - 2023.06.05 - Andrew Duncan Steele 
3) Accounting deposits the checks  
4) Accounting amends the metadata on the Accounting SharePoint  
a) Series 
b) Period 
c) Fiscal Year 
d) Amount 
e) Check number 
f) Payor name 
5) Accounting copies the checks to the Development Gift Processing SharePoint Library folder “Incoming Payment documentation” 
a) This step eliminates the need for accounting to save PDFs of the checks and email them to Development 
b) This step eliminates the need for Development to separate the PDFs into individual files per donor or to rename the files 
6) Log into Tessitura Prod with the Development user group to input the gift and pledge checks 
7) Start a new “Contribution Uncontrolled batch. Change the date to match the Deposit Date rather than the date on the check 

Gift Checks

This section is broken up into two sections: Hard Credit (HC) and Soft Credit (SC). Although the process will be similar for both, there are important distinctions for each process. Review the Stuff-to-Know section for more information. 

Hard Credit

1) After starting your batch, you will be directed to the “Contribution Editor” window  
2) Find the Constituent’s name in the SharePoint list.  
a) Open the PDF of the check to confirm 
3) Click on the “Owner” box to search for the donor  
a) Remember “Hard Credit” means the donation is coming directly from this person or entity. There is no third party involved. If you’re unsure, review the check and any letters attached in the PDF  
4) A new window titled “Payments” will open  
5) Type in the gift total in the “Amount” box  
6) Use the dropdown under “Payment Method” and select “Check”  
7) Type in the check number from the PDF, if there are leading zeroes in that number they must be included  
8) Click “OK”  
a) If the Constituent has an existing Pledge, go to the Pledge Payment instructions 
9) Next click on the box next to “Source”   
10) A new window titled “Select Source Code” will open  
a) If an Appeal was Promoted to the Constituent, the list of Inside Sources will appear first.  
b) If not, click the Outside button and select the appropriate Source.  
i) Use the FY24 Sources Campaigns and Funds for Gift Processing to identify the correct source for the donation  
11) Change the date to match the deposit date that Accounting provides. Do not use the date of the check.   
a) Note: It may be the same date your used when you started your batch  
12) Click on the box next to “Channel” and select how the donation was received. 
13) Select a Worker. This should correspond to the PacSci fundraising staff member responsible for the solicitation.  
14) Double check that the information you inputted is correct especially the date  
15) Click on “New”  
16) Move down to the “Details” section  
17) Use the dropdown next to “Fund”  
a) Use the FY24 Sources Campaigns and Funds for Gift Processing to identify the correct Fund  
18) The Campaign and Designation will autofill  
a) These can be adjusted if instructions from the Primary Worker and Documentation from the Donor indicate  
19) If applicable, click on the “Plan” field and select the plan for the Constituent  
20) Click on the “Premium/Ack” tab to verify the correct Acknowledgement will send for HC  
21) If the donor provided any memos in their check or declaration letter, include them in by clicking on the “Notes/In Kind” tab  
a) Note: Do not use the text box titled “In Kind” use the other one  
22) If applicable, click on the “Custom Data” tab to include any tributes or note that the gift is anonymous   
23) Click through all the tabs to check your work  
24) If all looks good, click “OK” and then “Done” to save  
25) The “Contribution Editor” will clear  
26) Continue to the next check on your list  
27) Once all checks have been inputted for the Deposit Date, continue to the Close Batch section

Soft Credit

1) After starting your batch, you will be directed to the “Contribution Editor” window  
2) Find the Constituent’s name in the SharePoint list.  
a) Open the PDF of the check to confirm 
3) Click on the “Owner” box to search for the donor  
a) Remember “Soft Credit” means the donation is coming from a third party that was directed by a donor. If you’re unsure, review the check and any letters attached in the PDF  
i) Typically, the money will be coming from places such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, IRAs, etc.  
4) A new window titled “Payments” will open  
5) Type in the gift total in the “Amount” box  
6) Use the dropdown under “Payment Method” and select “Check”  
7) Type in the check number from the PDF, if there are leading zeroes in that number they must be included  
8) Click “OK”  
a) If the Constituent has an existing Pledge, go to the Pledge Payment instructions 
9) Next click on the box next to “Source”   
10) A new window titled “Select Source Code” will open  
a) If an Appeal was Promoted to the Constituent, the list of Inside Sources will appear first.  
b) If not, click the Outside button and select the appropriate Source.  
i) Use the FY24 Sources Campaigns and Funds for Gift Processing to identify the correct source for the donation  
11) Change the date to match the deposit date that Accounting provides. Do not use the date of the check.   
a) Note: It may be the same date your used when you started your batch  
12) Click on the box next to “Channel” and select how the donation was received. 
13) Select a Worker. This should correspond to the PacSci fundraising staff member responsible for the solicitation.  
14) Double check that the information you inputted is correct especially the date  
15) Click on “New”  
16) Move down to the “Details” section  
17) Use the dropdown next to “Fund”  
a) Use the FY24 Sources Campaigns and Funds for Gift Processing to identify the correct Fund  
18) The Campaign and Designation will autofill  
a) These can be adjusted if instructions from the Primary Worker and Documentation from the Donor indicate  
19) If applicable, click on the “Plan” field and select the plan for the Constituent  
20) Click on the “Match/Credit tab  
21) Type in the check amount under “Amount to be Credited”  
22) Select “Add Creditee”  
23) Search for the Constituent’s Household that prompted the donation  
24) Under the “Creditee Type” dropdown, select the best one that matches the situation  
25) Click on the “Premium/Ack” tab to verify the correct Acknowledgement will send for HC  
26) If the donor provided any memos in their check or declaration letter, include them in by clicking on the “Notes/In Kind” tab  
a) Note: Do not use the text box titled “In Kind” use the other one  
27) If applicable, click on the “Custom Data” tab to include any tributes or note that the gift is anonymous
28) Click through all the tabs to check your work  
29) If all looks good, click “OK” and then “Done” to save  
30) The “Contribution Editor” will clear  
31) If the Donor has a plan:  
a) Click on "Constituent Search" and search for the Constituent Household  
b) Click on the "Contributions Tab"  
c) Double click on the gift you just inputted  
d) A new window titled "Contribution Detail" will open  
e) Click on the box next to "Plan"  
f) Select the Plan the money should be allocated to   
g) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to save changes  
32) If there are documents to add for the donor go to the Adding Documentation to Tessitura Section 
a) Save any additional documentation from the donor in SharePoint.   
33) Continue to the next check on your list  
34) Once all checks have been inputted for the Deposit Date, continue to the Close Batch section

Pledge Checks

Pledges are essentially promised payments. A donor will declare they want to give PacSci a specified amount of money over time. Checks will come in payments rather than all at once. Pledges follow the same HC and SC rules as Gifts. Be sure you are adding the correct owner and attributing the correct SC if applicable. 

1) Check your checks if they come with a Pledge Form attached. If not Pledge Form is attached, Tessitura will let you know on the “Contribution Editor” screen. But always check the Constituent Profile to confirm that pledge is still active.  
2) Search for the Constituent Household in Tessitura to verify the Pledge is active on their account  
3) If the Pledge is not yet active, go to the Adding a New Pledge section  
4) If the Pledge is active, move onto the next steps  
5) Click on the “History” tab and select the subsection “Plans”   
6) Double click on the current FY General Support or their specified pledge plan (i.e. Tinker Tank, SOW, etc.)  
7) A new window titled “Plans” will open  
8) Add the check total into the “Recorded” box  
9) If the “Cont Total” is zero after adding the new “Recorded” number, change the “Status” to Funded  
10) Add any applicable notes related to the Pledge in the “Notes” box  
11) Click on “Save” then “OK"   
12) After starting your batch, you will be directed to the “Contribution Editor” window 
13) Open your PDF and find the Constituent’s name 
14) Click on the “Owner” box to search for the donor 
15) Change the Owner to the Constituent Household or Organization in which the money is coming from.   
a) Follow the SC and HC rules 
16) A new window titled “Payments” will open 
17) Type in the gift total in the “Amount” box 
18) Use the dropdown under “Payment Method” and select “Check” 
19) Type in the check number from the PDF, if there are leading zeroes in that number they must be included 
20) Click “OK” 
21) Next click on the box next to “Source”  
22) A new window titled “Select Source Code” will open   
a) Typically Pledge check payments will be “Cultivated Mail”  
b) Use the source sheet to identify the correct source for the check 
23) Adjust the date to the Deposit Date 
24) Change “Channel” to “Cultivated”  
25) Double check that all the information looks correct before clicking on “New” or “Pledge Payment”
26) Change “Fund” to “Benefit Annual Fund”  
27) Change “Campaign” to current “FY General Support Benefit”  
28) The Designation should fill out automatically but adjust if requested 
a) If this is a Hard Credit donation, click on “Plan” and apply the current “FY General Support/IG MP General Support/Annual Fund.” Use the source sheet if you’re unsure 
b) If it is a Soft Credit donation, do not add a plan as it will attribute it to the organization who is sending the money and not the Donor who prompted it. Review the Soft Credit section in this document to apply the pledge  
29) Click on the Premium/Ack tab to check that the correct Acknowledgements will send out 
30) If SC, remove the two other acknowledgments except for the “General SC Thank You/Receipt 
31) Add any necessary notes in the “Notes/In Kind” tab  
32) If Pledge donation is Anonymous or Tributed to someone, add the information under the “Custom Data” tab  
33) If all looks correct click “OK” and then “Yes” to save changes 
34) Continue to the next check on your list 
35) Once all checks have been inputted for the Deposit Date, continue to the Close Batch section

Adding a New Pledge

1) Depending on the length of the Pledge, you will need to create a new Plan for each FY year  
2) Start by searching for the Constituent Household in Tessitura  
3) Click on the “History” tab and navigate to the “Plans” subsection  
4) Select “Add” at the bottom of the window  
5) A new window titled “Plan” will open  
6) Change “Campaign” to the next FY or the Campaign in which the donation should be allocated to  
7) Change “Designation” to “IG MP General Support”  
8) Change Fund “Benefit Annual Fund”  
9) Change “Type” to “Gift”  
10) Change “Status” to “Intent to Fund”  
11) Type in the “Ask” box the amount of the donation  
12) Type in the “Goal” box the amount of the goal  
13) Change “Start Date” to the indicated date by the Donor or directed otherwise  
14) Change “Plan Source” to “Current Donor”  
15) Add Aubrey Beals at the Primary Worker  
16) Click “Save” and then “OK” to save your changes  
17) Close out of the Plan window  
18) Return to the steps in Pledge Check Payments

Adding a New Pledge
1) In the Contribution tab, double click on Donate2 donation 
2) The "Contribution Details" window will pop up, click on the box next to "Plan" and add the correct plan in relation to the donation 
3) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to save changes to the database

Create an Active Plan
Navigate to the "Attributes" tab and click "Add" in the bottom left 
Select whichever status is most appropriate for the plan from the drop down 
Type in "PacSci Igniter" in the box to the right of the drop down 
Click on any other tab and then click "Yes" to save changes 
Click back into "Attributes" tab to confirm the PacSci Igniter status was added 

Add a New Plan
1) Navigate to the "History" tab and go to the "Plans" subsection 
2) Click "Add" at the bottom of the window and a new window will pop up titled "Plan" 
3) Change the Campaign to the current "FY## General Support Benefit" unless otherwise indicated 
4) Use the Source Sheet to change the “Designation” and “Fund” 
5) Change Type to "Gift" if it is from an individual 
6) Change Status to "Funded" 
7) Type in the total donation amount into "Recorded" 
8) Change Plan Source to "New Donor" 
9) Change Priority to "None Selected" 
10) On the far right of the window under "Primary Worker" click on the button titled "Workers (0)" to assign a new worker 
11) A new window titled "Assign Worker(s)" will pop up. Click on "Add" 
12) In the box under "Worker" search for the name of the person who will oversee this account  
13) Change Role to "Worker"
14) Return to the "Plan" window and click "Save" then click "OK" to save Plan changes 
15) Navigate to the "Contribution" tab and open the "Contribution Details" for the Donate2 16) donation. Change Designation to match the gift ex. for individuals, ‘IG AF’ is for unsolicited gifts and 16) ‘IG MP’ is for cultivated gifts.  
17) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to save changes 

Close Batch

1) Once all donations under the same date have been recorded; close the window overlay or navigate back to your batch screen and click "Close Batch"  
2) Tessitura will return to the batch screen titled "Search By." Below checks the box next to "Closed Batches"   
3) Click on the batch you need to close then click on the arrows pointing to the right to transfer the batch to the other box 
4) Once the batch has moved over click on “Post to Ledger” at the bottom 
5) A new window will pop up titled “Posting Details” 
6) Important: Change the posting date to match the Deposit Date 
7) If all the information looks accurate click on “Complete Posting” 
Creation date: 5/5/2023 1:09 PM      Updated: 7/18/2023 1:03 PM
Process docs for how input gifts and donations into Tessitura