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HOW TO Benevity Entry


This document outlines the steps to enter donations from Benevity. You will need access to Benevity, Tessitura, and Microsoft Excel. It’s key to use the source sheet to determine Fund and Designation during the gift entry process. It’s recommended to download the source sheet to your computer to reference frequently. This article outlines how to get reports out of Benevity, adding individual and gift match donations into Tessitura, and linking a Manage Portfolio to a plan.

Table of Contents

1) Benevity Entry Check List
2) Step-by-Step
a) Benevity Report Set-Up
b) Inputting Benevity Donation into Tessitura
i) Linking to a Manage Portfolio


    • If any of the images in this article are hard to see, you can enlarge them by right clicking on the image, select "copy image link", open a new tab, paste link into the address bar, and hit "Enter" on your keyboard

Benevity Entry Check List

  • Hard Credit (HC) IS ALWAYS BENEVITY 
  • Transaction date is the deposit date 
  • Channel cultivated/unsolicited  
  • Designation (payroll/gift match/Luncheon)  
  • Creditee (type: Payroll or matching gift)  
  • Gift matcher in contribution custom tab under 'Entry Notes'  
  • Ack Rules (SC Ack only) 
  • If Manage Portfolio (MP), link to plan and update plan status and contribution amount  
  • Post batch with the deposit date as the post date 


Benevity Report Set-Up

1) We receive Benevity deposit emails in email. If you don’t have access to this email group, send a request to IT.  
2) Forward the email to to notify them to keep an eye out for the deposit 
3) Someone in accounting will send an alert when the EFT is received with the deposit date, amount and name. This is your cue to start Benevity entry. 
a) Deposit date will be contribution date 
4) Login to Benevity 
a) Find the login information in the Donor Information Coordinator Online Login sheet. Find this sheet by following this pathing: 
i) Network > files > Staff > Development > Admin > Gift Entry and Acknowledgements  
5) Click on “Reports” in the left-hand sidebar 
6) Reports with the most recent date will likely be the current deposit. Download the file and compare the ‘Net Total’ to the deposit total that Accounting emailed you to confirm.  
7) Click on the orange button labeled “Reports” and download 
8) An Excel sheet will open 
9) This report will include donation amounts including fees. When inputting the donation, you will focus on the “Total Donation” and “Match Amount” columns. Accounting will handle all of the amounts that are fee related.  
10) Sort by Match amount largest to smallest and then Donation amount Largest to smallest. This keeps the larger amounts together 
11) Add two columns and title one “Fund” and the other “Designation” 
a) You will be looking at the “Total Donation” and “Match Amount” column to determine the Fund and Designation. These donations do NOT qualify for membership so do not use a Fund code with ‘Benefit’ in the title. Likely you will choose Annual Fund, Gift Match, Luncheon (w/wo Gift Match), and sometimes Corporate support funds.  
b) Refer to the source sheet if you’re unsure 
12) Save the file here:  
a) \\files\Staff\Development\Admin\Gift Entry and Acknowledgements\Salesforce\Matching Gifts\FY23 
13) Next open Outlook to send an email to Accounting 
a) CC Paul Chiocco 
14) In your email you will include an attachment to the report you just downloaded, the deposit date, the period ending date of the report, the total amount, the “total donation” total, and "match amount” total. Your email should look like:


The [Deposit Date] Benevity Deposit for the period ending [Date of the period ending on Benevity website] will total [Total Donations (Gross)] in Tessitura. Merchant fees attached. Tessitura fund breakdown: 

[Fund]: [$Total in column for that fund] 


Annual Fund: [Total in column S ‘Total donation’ that apply to the Annual Fund] 

Gift Match: [Total of Column T ‘Match Amount that apply to Gift Match] 

Luncheon gift match: [Total of Column T ‘Match Amount that apply to Luncheon Dev Event Gift Match] 


15) Once the email is sent, set up yourself for success by following these guidelines: 
a) Sort by last name A->Z then Designation Z->A so MP gifts are at the top. This will keep multiples of the same donor’s gift together as well as keep MP gifts toward the top of the sheet. 
b) Highlight each non-zero item in columns titled “Total Donation” and “Gift Match. It's recommended to use a different color for column each (as a visual cue that the fund code changes) and a different color for MP and AF gifts. See image below for an example 
c) Highlight donor comments that will be added 
d) Highlight company as a reminder 
e) Hide, do not delete, any columns that show no useful info to gift entry such as fees.  
16) It’s not a question of if you’ll be interrupted during this process but when so it’s important to keep track to avoid creating duplicates 
17) Your sheet should look like this: 

Inputting Benevity Donation into Tessitura

      • Each non-zero cell in “Total Donation and “Gift Match” columns will be an individual transaction.  
      • Start with the left column the move to the right, look at the highlighted colors for your cue to change funds/designations 

1) Login into Tessitura Prod using the Development user group 
2) Start a new “Uncontrolled Batch" 
3) The “Contribution Editor” window will appear 
4) Click on the “Owner” box and search for Benevity 
a) Check if the EFT came from the “UK Benevity Online Giving Fund,” if so, use this account as the Hard Credit  
5) A new window titled “Payments” will pop up. Enter the amount in the first highlighted cell 
6) Select “ACH” as the Payment Method 
7) Click “OK” 
8) Click on the “Source” box to identify how the donation from received 
a) Use your sheet to review the Designations and source sheet 
9) Change the date to the deposit date 
a) Deposit date is when the money was deposited into PacSci’s account not the report date you downloaded from Benevity  
10) Click on the dropdown box next to “Channel” 
a) Double check which “Source” you selected to determine the best channel  
11) Double check that all fields are inputted correctly, especially the date. You cannot change this later once you move onto the next step. You will have to start over. 
12) If all the information is correct and the date matches the deposit date, click on “New” 
13) Click on the dropdown box next to “Fund” and match what is reflected in your sheet 
14) Change the “Designation” dropdown to match what is reflected in your sheet.  
a) Important: Reselect the Designation every time.  
15) Click on the “Match/Credit” tab to add the Creditees 
16) Under “Amount to be Credited” type in the amount in the highlighted cell you are working on into the box 
17) Click on “Add Creditee” 
18) Search for the Household Constituent  
a) Verify that the Constituent is correct. Matching names alone is not enough to tie a record. Also match email, mailing address, giving history, and employer 
b) If the Donor Name in the spreadsheet is “Not Shared” then search for the “Anonymous Account” or the account ID 1002203 in Tessitura 
19) Change the “Creditee Type” from the dropdown to “Payroll Giving” or “Matching Gift” 
20) Click on the “Custom Data” tab 
21) Under “Entry Notes,” add the company who is Gift Matching (ex: Microsoft, Liberty Mutual in column [A] 
a) If there are comments requesting this donation remain anonymous or is being tributed to someone, note that information under the “Custom Data” tab 
22) If there are any comments provided by the donor, copy them from the spreadsheet and paste them in the “New Contribution Notes” under the “Notes/In Kind” tab 
a) Do not add anything into the “Description” box under “Gifts in Kind” because Tessitura will delete it 
23) Next click on the “Premium/Ack” tab 
24) Under the “Selected Acknowledgement Letters” box, we only want “General SC Thank You/Receipt. Delete any other letter in this field.  
a) Note: there will be no letters selected if the gift is >$10 
25) Re-Click through all the tabs to ensure information is correct and the acknowledgement letter is Soft Credit (SC).  
26) Double check the Fund, Designation, and Date 
27) Once confirmed, click “OK” 
28) Click on “Done” to save to the database 
29) If the Donor has a Manage Portfolio (MP) in their Designation move onto Linking to a Manage Portfolio section 
30) Repeat the process until you have 10 gifts entered, then post the batch and continue entering Benevity if you still have transactions to enter.

Linking to a Manage Portfolio

1) Search for the Constituent Household 
2) Double click to open the Constituent’s page 
3) Click on the “Contributions” tab 
4) Double click on the donation you just entered 
5) A new window titled “Contribution Detail” will open 
6) Click on the “Plan” box and select the current FY Plan for gift match 
7) Click “Close” and then “Yes” to save changes 
8) Select the “History” tab and select the “Plans” subsection 
9) Double click on the Plan you just attributed  
10) Type in the donation amount in the “Recorded” box to match the ‘Cont. Total’ field.  
11) Change the “Status” box to “Funded” where applicable and save.  
12) If there is a current FY plan but not a Gift Match plan AND you are entering a gift match gift, select “Add” at the bottom of the screen 
13) Change the “Campaign” to the current “FY General Support” 
14) Use the source sheet to determine the “Designation”  
15) Change “Fund” to “Gift Match”  
15) Change “Type” to “Gift” 
16) Change “Status” to “Funded” 
17) Type in the match amount total into the “Recorded” field 
18) Add a “Primary Worker” usually whoever oversees the current FY 
19) If you’re unsure, check with the Development team  
20) Click “Save” and then “OK” to save changes 
21) Navigate back to the “Contributions” tab 
22) Double click on the gift with the matching Designation 
23) Click on the “Plan” box 
24) Select the Gift Match plan you just created 
25) Move onto the next donation 
26) Repeat the process until you have 10 gifts entered, then post the batch and continue entering Benevity if you still have transactions to enter. 
Creation date: 5/3/2023 8:55 AM      Updated: 7/18/2023 11:27 AM
237 KB
Process docs for how input gifts and donations into Tessitura