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HOW TO Add and Order Virtual Field Trips (VFT)


This article reviews the steps needed to input a new Virtual Field Trip (VFT) into Tessitura and then how to order it to record it and receive payment. The user needs Tessitura permissions to access the Education and Registration user groups. This article is split into two parts: Adding a New VFT and Ordering a VFT. If a Virtual Field Trip has already been added to Tessitura, move onto the ordering section. 

Table of Contents

1) Stuff to Know
2) Index Cards
3) Step-by-Step
a) Adding a New VFT
b) Ordering a New VFT
i) Payment Process

Stuff to Know

    • If any of the images in this article are hard to see, you can enlarge them by right clicking on the image, select "copy image link", open a new tab, paste link into the address bar, and hit "Enter" on your keyboard

Index Cards

This section includes the basic steps for completing each process. Continue onto "Step-by-Step" to see full detailed instructions and screenshots.

Adding a New VFT

1) Login into Tessitura Prod using the Education user group 
2) Click on "Ticketing Setup" in the top ribbon and highlight Science on Wheels by clicking on it once 
3) Click on the "Performances" tab to copy the SOW that pertains to the location and size of the group. This distinction is important for cost 
4) A new window titled "Performance Copy" will pop up 
a) Description: Include school name, production title, and date of trip 
b) Short Description: should match the longer description but with abbreviated information 
i) Note: There is a character limit for these fields 
c) Replace the zeroes in the "Perf Code" with the SOW date (YYMMDD) 
i) Example: 230224 = February 24, 2023 
d) Change the Date/Time to reflect when the SOW is scheduled 
5) Click "Save" and add any additional information for internal users under Ticket Text and any information for External users should go in Sales Notes

Ordering a New VFT

1) Start a new "Ticket Uncontrolled" batch 
2) Change each field: 
a) Owner: School Name 
b) Initiator: Teacher 
c) Source: Word of mouth, web search, PacSci email, PacSci social media previous PacSci Programming, West Sound STEM Network, other 
d) MOS: Registration 
3) Add one new row and change the "Price Type" to "EduStudent" and type in the total number of students, teachers, and one registration in the "Pur" column 
a) i.e., 200 Students + 10 Teachers + Registration = 211 
4) Click on "Sub Line Items" tab and change the top row to "EduRegistr" then change following rows to "EduTeacher" for the number of teachers attending. Leave the rest as "EduStudent 
5) Go back to the "Line Items" tab and highlight the single row 
6) Include any applicable information under "Customer Data' and "Spec Req" like Title 1 school or ADA accessibility  
7) Highlight all rows and click on "Best Seat" 
8) Proceed through the payment process unless purchaser is waiting until the day before the performance 


Adding a New VFT

Proceed to next section "Ordering a VFT" if Virtual Field Trip information is already in Tessitura. Review the recorded meeting presented by Diana Hennick here 

1) Log into Tessitura Prod using the Education user group. If you do not have permissions to this group, contact IT or your manager 

2) Navigate to "Ticketing Setup" on the top ribbon in Tessitura 

3) Under the "Titles" tab click on Virtual Field Trips to highlight it

4) Then click on the next tab "Productions." This is a list of all available VFTs that can be scheduled in Tessitura 
a) Note: The "Production Seasons" tab is one-to-one with "Productions"

5) After confirming a certain VFT is available, navigate to the "Performances" tab to select the size of the group. This is indicated in parentheses next to the title of the VFT 

6) Highlight the VFT & attendance size you would like to schedule then click "Copy" near the bottom of the window

7) A new window titled "Performance Copy" will pop up 
8) Adjust the "Description" to include the school's name, production title, and date of trip 
a) Note: There is a character limit for this field. Education and Registration will come up with a naming scheme overtime 
9) Adjust the "Short Description" to match with the longer description. For reporting purposes, it's best to include the school's name and an abbreviated production title 
10) Replace the zeroes in the "Perf Code" with the VFT date (YYMMDD) 
a) Example: 230224 = February 24, 2023 
11) Change the date and time for when the VFT is scheduled 

12) Click on "Save" 
13) Return to the "Performances" tab and find the newly created VFT 

14) Double click on it to review all the information

Ordering a VFT

Review the recorded meeting presented by Diana Hennick here

1) Click on "Ticket Order" in the top ribbon in Tessitura to start a new batch 
2) Select "Ticket Uncontrolled" from the drop down and press "OK" 

3) Click on the box next to "Owner" and search for the school 
4) Change the "Initiator" to the teacher 
5) Change "Source" to whichever way the order was received 
6) Change "MOS" (Mode of Sale) to Registration

7) Click on "Add" near the bottom of the window 

8) Click on "Perf Code" and find the VFT created for the school 

9) Press "Tab" on your keyboard to populate the rest of the fields 
10) VFTs are priced per head. Instead of adding individual rows one-by-one change "Price Types" select "EduStudent" and then put the total number of teachers and students plus 1 for the registration fee in the "Pur" column 
a) i.e., 200 Students + 10 Teachers + Registration = 211 

11) Then go to the "Sub Line Items" tab to see all of the tickets. Change the top row to "EduRegistr" then change the following rows to "EduTeacher" for the number of teachers attending. Leave the rest as "EduStudent” 

12) Click on the "Custom Data" tab and adjust whether the school is Title 1 or HPA LAP Eligible, reduced Lunch %, and Grade Level 

a) Highlight the row and click on "Price Details" in the bottom ribbon

b) A new box titled "Price Details" will pop up  

c) Use the drop box in the top right and select which discount should be applied. If you're unsure which discount applies reach out to your manager  
d) Click "OK"
12) Continue to the "Payment Process" section

Payment Process

1) Type in the amount that is being given and select the Payment Method. Then click "OK" to save. If the Payment Method is a Purchase 2) Order, include the PO number in the "Notes" section  
3) If returning to Tessitura to fulfill payments; click on "Payments" in the top ribbon of Tessitura  
a) Type in the amount that is being given and select the Payment Method. Then click "OK" to save. If the Payment Method is a Purchase Order, include the PO number in the "Notes" section 

4) If Payment has not been received before the day of SOW then use the "Payments" screen and select Invoice as the Payment Method. 5) This will tell accounting that the school is waiting to receive an invoice 
6) Invoices can be viewed in the Constituent profile by selecting "Constituents" from the top ribbon and then clicking on "Invoice List" 
a) This will primarily be used to resolve invoices when Accounting reaches out and notifies Registration that an invoice has been paid. 
b) Check the box next to the invoice that is being paid and a new window titles "Payments" will pop up. Select the correct Payment Method and click "Apply Payment" and then "Save"

Creation date: 5/2/2023 10:49 AM      Updated: 5/2/2023 10:50 AM
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