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HOW TO Donate2 Contributions


This article provides the step-by-step process on adding/adjusting donation information from Donate2 to Tessitura. This process is utilized by Development to add and manage donations that are sent to PacSci. This article specifically reviews how to identify anonymous and tribute information given by Donate2 and applying it on Constituent Accounts. By the end, the reader will know how to access donation information from Donate2, input the information to Tessitura, add a new plan, and how to post a batch for donations. 

Table of Contents:

1) Stuff to Know 

2) Index Cards 

a) Review Webapi Batches 
b) Add Custom Data 
c) If Donation is Over $500 
d) Add a New Plan 
e) Donation Adjustment 

3) Step-by-Steps 

a) Review Webapi Batches   
b) Add Custom Data 
c) If Donation is over $500 
d) Donation Adjustment 

4) Close Batch 

Stuff to Know

  • Check the closed batches in Tessitura for webapi batches. Click through and identify batches that need to be closed by Development 
  • Donate2 is directly linked to Tessitura so whenever someone donates through Donate2 the amount is automatically inputted, however, Tessitura does not capture Anonymous or Tribute information from Donate2. This process goes through the process on pulling up a Constituent account and updating the donation information to include those key parts for our reporting.  
  • Watch the Donor Information Coordinator go through this process here
  • Every page on HelpDesk has a "Get help for this page" link in the bottom left side that will provide additional guidance on navigating the page
  • Click on the image to open a new tab to enlarge the picture

Index Card(s)

These are the summed-up steps to take when performing this process. If you would like a more in-depth explanations with pictures, proceed to the “Step-by-Step" section

Review Webapi Batches

1) Navigate to the Batch Administrator under “Tools” in Tessitura 
2) Next to the “User ID” dropdown, select “(all)” 
3) Click the checkbox labeled “Show Closed Batches” and select “Search” 
4) Double click on each batch owned by “webapi” to find batches with Annual Fund donations 
5) If the batch has a Status of “Hold”, select “Now” when a window will pop up asking if you would like to take ownership of the batch 
6) The screen will load the batch and display all the different types of donations 
7) First look at the “Fund” column, if any of the funds has “membership” in the title, this is not a batch that should be closed by Development 
a) Only take control and close batches that “Annual Fund” is present in the “Fund” title 
8) Secondly, look at the “Created By” field, if it says “D2 01” this is a Donate2 batch 
9) Review the list of donations and make note necessary adjustments needed 
10) Click on “Close” in the bottom right corner to go back to the “Batch Administrator” screen 
11) Double click on the batch to take ownership once confirmed it does not contain membership or ticketing funds 
12) Make any donation adjustments that you took note of earlier then post the batch

Add Custom Data

1) Run the Customer Service Issue Tracking report in Tessitura with the desired date
2) Review each page of the report and update Constituent profiles who have indicated they want to remain anonymous or give in honor or in memory
3) Search for the Constituent ID in Tessitura 
4) Find the donation under the "Contributions" tab and double click 
5) A new window titled "Contribution Detail" will open. Click on the "Custom Data" tab 
6) Change whether the donation is Anonymous and/or is Tributed to someone 
7) Click "Close" and save changes to the database 
8) If no other adjustments are needed, close the batch

If Donation is Over $500

1) Check if the gift is in a ‘Benefit’ fund. If not, please reference the steps in Donation Adjustment section 
a) Note: If the campaign is NOT present in the dropdown menu in the Ticketing contribution screen, go to Campaign->references->Source and check the ‘Use in Ticketing’ box on the Fund you want to see 
2) Double click on the Donate2 Donation under the "Contributions" tab in the Constituent Household 
3) Click on "Plan" and add the current FY plan unless otherwise instructed 
4) Click on any other tab and then click "Yes" to save changes 
5) Click back into "Attributes" tab to confirm the PacSci Igniter status was added 
6) If you added a new plan proceed to the next steps under Add a New Plan 
7) If no other adjustments are needed, post the batch

Donation Adjustment

1) Login into Tessitura Prod using the Development user group 
2) Start a “Ticketing Uncontrolled” batch 
3) Click on “GoTo” in the top ribbon 
4) Select “Ticket Orders” 
5) Use the “Order #” field to search for the donation 
6) Click on the “Contributions” tab 
7) Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen 
8) Make changes to the necessary field(s) such as Fund or Amount 
9) After the field(s) have been adjusted, zero out the “Amount” field from the previous row 
10) Click the “Payment” button in the top ribbon of Tessitura and select “Finish” 
11) If there is a date discrepancy between the initial Contribution vs the Adjustment, send an email to Accounting letting them know 
12) Continue inputting Adjustments as needed and close batch once finished 


Review Webapi Batches

1) Navigate to the Batch Administrator under “Tools” in Tessitura 
2) Next to the “User ID” dropdown, select “(all)” 
a) If you can’t see this, contact IT for permissions 
3) Click the checkbox labeled “Show Closed Batches” 
4) Click on the “Search” button on the right side of the screen

5) The goal is to identify batches owned by “webapi” and close batches that contain Annual Funds and Donate2 contributions  
6) Double click on each batch owned by “webapi”

7) A window will pop up asking if you would like to take ownership of the batch 
8) For this first window, select “No” 

9) The screen will load the batch and display the several types of donations 
10) First look at the “Fund” column, if any of the funds has “membership” in the title, this is not a batch that should be closed by Development 
a) Only take control and close batches that “Annual Fund” is present in the “Fund” title 
11) Secondly, look at the “Created By” field, if it says “D2 01” this is a Donate2 batch 

12) Review the list of donations and make note necessary adjustments needed. It’s best to keep track of this on a separate note for you to update after webapi batches have been closed 
a) Fields to look at: 
i) The correct “Fund” has been applied on donations greater than $500 
ii) Custom Data for Anonymous and Tributed gifts have been added 
13) Click on “Close” in the bottom right corner to go back to the “Batch Administrator” screen

14)  Double click on the batch you have identified that meets the above criteria 
15) Select “Yes” when the window pops up asking if you would like to take ownership of the batch

16) Once you are the owner of the batch, make any donation adjustments that you took note of earlier 
17) After all batches have been identified proceed to the “Close Batch” Section

Add Custom Data

1) Log into Tessitura Prod

4) Click on "GoTo" in the top ribbon of Tessitura

5) Select Reports and Utilities

6) Find a report titled "Customer Service Issue Tracking" under the Customer Service section

7) Double click the report to enter the parameters needed:
a) Change CSI Start and End Date
b) Click on the dropdown next to Category 
i) Select "Donate2-1
c) Select "Yes" for both Show Open Issues Only and Show Action Steps
d) Change Sort Options to "Constituent"
e) Click on "Next" 
f) Change Urgent Indicator to "All"

8) Click on "OK" to capture Anonymous and/or Memorial information

9) The report will load in Tessitura, click through the pages using the green triangle buttons in the top ribbon

10) Alternatively, you may save the report as a PDF and look through the information that way
11) Review the "Notes" section of each page -- if the Constitutent has marked "Remain Anonymous" or "Give in honor" as checked then the profile needs updating. 
12) Proceed to next steps to add custom data
13) Copy the Name or Constituent ID from the report and search for it in Tessitura

14) Double click on the Constituent to pull up the profile 
15) Navigate to the Contributions tab and identify the Donate2 donation. Verify by checking Date and Contribution amount 

16) Double click on the donation and a new window will pop up titled "Contribution Detail" 
17) Navigate to the "Custom Data" tab 

18) Double check the email details and then add if the gift is Anonymous or Tributed to anyone 

19) Click "OK" then click "Yes" to save changes 
20) If applicable, navigate back to the "General" tab and update the Constituent address if needed
a) Email address is included in the Donate2 email in Outlook

If Donation is Over $500

1) In the Contribution tab, double click on Donate2 donation 
2) The "Contribution Details" window will pop up, click on the box next to "Plan" and add the correct plan in relation to the donation 

3) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to save changes to the database

Add a New Plan

1) Navigate to the "History" tab and go to the "Plans" subsection

2) Click "Add" at the bottom of the window and a new window will pop up titled "Plan" 
3) Change the Campaign to the current "FY## General Support Benefit" unless otherwise indicated 
4) Use the source sheet to change the “Designation” and “Fund” 
5) Change Type to "Gift" if it is from an individual 
6) Change Status to "Funded" 
7) Type in the total donation amount into "Recorded" 
8) Change Plan Source whichever best matches the gift:
a) Board Member = If the donor who made the gift is an active board member

b) Board Referral = If the donor who made the gift was solicited or contacted by a board member (also will need to add the board member as a "worker", role = solicitor.

c) Current Donor = the donor was a PacSci Igniter last FY (gave a $500+ gift in prior FY)

d) Lapsed Donor = the donor was a PacSci Igniter 2 or 3 FYs ago but not last year (their last gift of $500+ was 2 or 3 FYs ago)

e) Longterm Lapsed Donor = the donor was a PacSci Igniter 4+ FYs ago but not more recently (their last gift of $500+ was 4 or more FYs ago)

f) New Donor = this is the donor's first gift of $500+ to PacSci AND they are not 'Board Referral' nor 'Prospecting Tool' (described below)

g) Prospecting Tool = the donor was identified as a prospect in iWave (IG) or Foundation Search (CFR) and a plan was created for Discovery + Cultivation. In this case, the PRM will put "iWave" or "Foundation Search" in the notes of the plan.

h) No Longer a Prospect = For PRM use only. Used only if the donor declined a gift and asks not to be solicited in future or the PRM determines solicitation no longer appropriate.

9) Change Priority to one of the following:
A = Major Donor $5000 or more
B = Potential Major Donor $2500 or more
C = Gives the same amount every year between $500 and $2500

10) On the far right of the window under "Primary Worker" click on the button titled "Workers (0)" to assign a new worker 

11) A new window titled "Assign Worker(s)" will pop up. Click on "Add"

12) In the box under "Worker" search for the name of the person who will oversee this account 
13) Change Role to "Worker"

14) Return to the "Plan" window and click "Save" then click "OK" to save Plan changes 
15) Navigate to the "Contribution" tab and open the "Contribution Details" for the Donate2 donation. Change Designation to match the gift ex. for individuals, ‘IG AF’ is for unsolicited gifts and ‘IG MP’ is for cultivated gifts.  

16) Click on "Close" and then "Yes" to save changes

Donation Adjustment

This three-minute video walks through this process 

1) Login into Tessitura Prod using the Development user group 

2) Start a “Ticketing Uncontrolled” batch 
3) After the batch is opened, click on “GoTo” in the top ribbon of Tessitura 
4) Select “Ticket Orders” 

5) You will be navigated to new screen titled “Order <New>” in Tessitura 

6) Copy the “Order Number” of the contribution you want to adjust 
7) Paste into the “Order #” field in Tessitura 
8) Press “Tab” on your computer and the rest of the fields will autofill 

9) Click on the “Contributions” tab. There should be at least one contribution listed here in reference to the order number
10) Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen 

11) A new row will appear. Make changes to any of the following fields: 
a) Fund: Change which fund the donation was attributed to. This is key to making sure donors are receiving benefit memberships if applicable. Review the source sheet if you're unsure 
b) Amount: Alter the dollar amount of the contribution if it was input incorrectly 
i) If the “Amount” is over $500, a new window will pop-up titled “Membership Options”

c) Click "OK"
12) Write a brief explanation for the adjustment 
13) Membership Level: Assign a membership level if applicable 
a) Note: If only one field needs adjustment, you still need to provide the old information from the previous row 
14) After the field(s) have been adjusted, zero out the “Amount” field from the initial transaction 
15) When finished it should look like this: 

16) Click the “Payment” button in the top ribbon of Tessitura 
a) Looks like a little green money bag 

17) A new window titled “Payments” will pop up 
18) You don’t need to make any adjustments on the “Payment” window, just select “Finish” 

19) Send an email to Accounting letting them of any date discrepancy between the initial Contribution vs the Adjustment 
20) Continue inputting Adjustments as needed 
21) Close batch once finished

Close and Post Batch

1) Once all donations under the same date have been recorded; close the window overlay or navigate back to the “Batch Administrator” screen and click "Close Batch"   
2) Click on the batch you need to close then click on the arrows pointing to the right to transfer the batch to the other box 

3) Once the batch has moved over click on “Post to Ledger” at the bottom

4) A new window will pop up titled “Posting Details” 
5) Important: Change the posting date to match the Deposit Date 

6) If all the information looks accurate click on “Complete Posting” 
Creation date: 4/12/2023 12:43 PM      Updated: 7/18/2023 11:25 AM
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