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HOW TO Fundraise Up: Contribution Process


This article provides the step-by-step process on adding donation information from Fundraise Up to Tessitura. This process is utilized by Development to add and manage donations that are sent to PacSci. This article specifically reviews how to identify information given by Fundraise Up. By the end, the reader will know how to access donation information from Fundraise Up, input the information to Tessitura, and how to post a batch for donations.

Stuff to Know

  • Though the gift and donation applications are roughly the same – there are several different types of donations and sources  
  • Fundraise Up is an old donation system That was used before PacSci migrated to Donate2. Currently, 4-5 monthly gifts still come through this system. 
  • Source Codes: Cultivated for development means that someone on the Development Team is talking to the donor. If there is no indication of a Plan, then the gift is considered "unsolicited" meaning PacSci didn't ask for the donation and it was just given to the center.  
  • Watch the Donor Information Coordinator go through this process here

Index Card

1) Login into Fundraise Up to identify monthly gifts to input into Tessitura Prod 
2) From the top ribbon in Tessitura click on GoTo > Contributions and start a new batch for "Contribution Uncontrolled" 
3) Search for the Constituent Household in the "Owner" field linked to the Fundraise Up Supporter. Check under the general tab to ensure the address and identifying information matches the Tessitura account before entry.  
4) Put in the Donation amount, payment method, and add to notes that donation is from Fundraise Up 
5) Add a Source for the donation (Cultivated/Unsolicited) 
6) Ensure the contribution date matches the donation date in Fundraise Up and select "New" donation 
7) Enter the appropriate Fund, Campaign, and Designation. Make certain whether the donor should receive Membership Benefits 
8) Move onto the Acknowledgement tab to ensure "General Thank you/receipt" is selected 
9) If applicable, click on "Custom Data" and enter if the gift is anonymous or tributed   
10) Press "Okay" to submit the gift. Return to your batch to close it and Post to Ledger after all gifts under the same donation date are entered 
11) Double check the Posting Date matches the donation date before clicking on "Complete Posting" 


1) Login into Fundraise Up to identify any monthly gifts that needs to be inputted into Tessitura 
a) Reach out to Development leadership to get the login information 
2) Open Tessitura Prod and use the Development User Group – you will manually transfer the information from Fundraise Up into Tessitura


3) Search for the Donor by copying the name from Fundraise Up and pasting into the Tessitura Search Bar 
a) If copy and paste does not work, then manually type in the Supporter name into the search bar 
4) Select the Constituent Household. If there are duplicates, check that the address matches and the donation history is consistent with gift information 

5) Navigate to the Contributions tab in the Household's file to verify this account aligns with the donation sequence in Fundraise Up 

6) In the top ribbon, click on "Contributions" to start a new batch 

7) Near the bottom of the window, click on New Batch and select "Contribution Uncontrolled" for this donation type 

8) Select the search box and click "Last" to pull up the constituent household and double click on the correct household to add to the "Owner" field 
9) A new window titled "Payments" will pop up asking for the amount and payment method. Type in or copy & paste the donation amount from Fundraise Up into Tessitura. Then for payment method select "Stripe (Dev)" 
10) Add to the Notes box "FundraiseUp Gift"  
11) Click "OK" and the Payments window will close

12) Next click on the box next to "Source" near the Constituent's name and a new window titled "Select Source Code" will appear. 
13) Select "Outside" in the bottom left corner of the window 
14) There are a lot of different types of source codes but for Fundraise Up scroll down to the bottom to the "Cultivated" or "Unsolicited" options 
a) Cultivated means somebody on the Development Team is talking to them and that is how the gift was obtained. On the constituent account, navigate to History > Plans. If there is one for the current Fiscal Year, then the donation is "Cultivated" (i.e.7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023 is FY23). If there is no indication of this then the gift is considered "unsolicited" meaning we didn't ask for it and it was just given to PacSci. 
15) Identify the way the donation was received (i.e. email, EFT, mail, phone, web, etc.) 
a) Since Fundraise Up is on online portal for donation; it will be a "web" based payment.  
  • Fundraise Up = Cultivated Web OR Unsolicited Web 

16) After the source is applied, add the donation date to the "Date" box. Double check you have the correct date as it is difficult to edit this once you've posted the batch. If a date mistake needs to be corrected, follow the instructions on the Contribution Adjustment article or reach out to Accounting 

17) Next, categorize the donation in the Channel field (aka how the money was received) – this is similar to the sub sections of the Cultivated and Unsolicited sources. For Fundraise Up, the channel will usually be "Web". Solicited Gifts get the channel “Cultivated”. 
18) Select whether this input is New, a Pledge Payment, or Adjust (For the most part, you will be selecting ‘New’) 
a) New: Donation is the first of its type 
b) Pledge Payment: If there is an active pledge, it will pop up a window asking, "is this payment on this pledge?" However, it is important double check that the donation is a pledge payment because sometimes Tessitura will pull unrelated old pledges 
c) Adjust: Fix an incorrect gift entry such as source or date

19) Move down to the "Deatails" section and apply the Fund Type
a) Fundraise Up should have the Campaign listed, however, if you're unsure consult the source sheet
20) After a Fund has been applied, the Campaign, Designation, and Plan boxes below will autofill

21) Next to plan, click the search box at the end of the bar. Select the current FY plan if one exists 
22) Move on to the Premium/Acknowledgement tab to check that the "General Thank You/Receipt" is selected in the lower box for all gifts $10+ 

23) If applicable, go to the Custom Data tab to add information such as Anonymous Gift, Tribute, etc. This information is located on the Fundraise Up page.  

24) Perform a final review of all the information to ensure accuracy and double check the date 
25) Click "OK" to save your changes then click "Done" 
26) You will be navigated back to the Contributions screen under the Constituent's household  
27) Continue entering gifts that share the same donation date 
28) Once all donations under the same date have been recorded; close the window overlay or navigate back to your batch screen and click "Close Batch" 
29) Tessitura will return to the batch screen titled "Search By." Check the box below next to "Closed Batches"  
30) Click on the batch you need to close then click on the arrows pointing to the right to transfer the batch to the other box 

31) Once the batch has moved over click on "Post to Ledger" at the bottom

32) A new window will pop up titled "Posting Details" 
33) Important: Change the posting date to match the donation date 

34) If all the information looks accurate click on "Complete Posting" 

Congratulations! You've completed posting a donation batch from Fundraise Up

Creation date: 4/12/2023 9:50 AM      Updated: 7/18/2023 11:24 AM
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HOW TO Fundraise Up Contribution Process.pdf
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Process docs for how input gifts and donations into Tessitura