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HOW TO Fidelity Investment: Contribution Process


This article provides the step-by-step process on adding donation information from Fidelity to Tessitura. This process is utilized by Development to add and manage donations that are sent to PacSci. This article specifically reviews how to identify information given by Fidelity and applying a Soft Credit to Constituent Households. By the end, the reader will know how to access donation information from Fidelity, input the information to Tessitura, add a Soft Credit (SC), and how to post a batch for donations.

Stuff to Know:

  • Watch the process video here
    • If you do not have permissions for this video, reach out to someone on the Development Team

Index Card

1) Verify with accounting about deposit date. Reach out to the Accounting Team and ask about development deposits for Fidelity for that date 
2) Open Outlook in a web browser to access CSV (Comma Separated Value) files from and log into Tessitura Prod
3) Search for the Fidelity Charitable account in Tessitura and check the "Contributions" tab to confirm the donation has not been added
4) Download the CSV file from the email and save it to the network following this path: 
a) Network > files > Staff > Development > Admin > Gift Entry and Acknowledgements > Salesforce > Donor Information Coordinator > FY## > Fidelity Backups 
5) From the CSV, search for the Addressee name in Tessitura and navigate to the History tab > Plans subsection to check if the gift is solicited 
6) Double check the name, address, email to ensure you have the correct donor 
7) Double click the current fiscal year plan to record the donation amount 
8) Start a new "Contribution Uncontrolled" batch.
a) Owner: Fidelity Charitable 
b) Amount: donation total 
c) Contribution date: Deposit date 
d) Payment Method: ACH 
e) Source: See source sheet
f) Date: match Deposit Date  
g) Channel: Cultivated if solicited else how the gift was received 
h) Click "New" 
i) Fund: See source sheet (these gifts do not qualify for member benefits) 
j) Designation: See source sheet "IG MP General Support" 
9) Navigate to the "Match/Credit" tab and assign the "Creditee Type" from the drop down. Fidelity will always be "Donor Advised"  
10) Ensure the correct acknowledgement will be sent to the Addressee and not Fidelity under the "Premium/Ack" tab by deleting the two General Thank You/Receipt under "Selected Acknowledgment Letter. There should only be General SC Thank You/Receipt 
11) Add any necessary notes to the "Notes/In Kind" tab indicated  
12) Only use the “New Contribution Notes” box. The other description box will not retain the information 
13) Add any information for Anonymous donation in the “Custom Data” tab 
14) Review all the tabs to ensure information is correct especially the date 
15) Add any other donations with the same Deposit Date and then close batch 
16) Post the batch – ensure the posting date is the same as the deposit date 
17) If gift is $500+ or there is a plan:  
18) Navigate back to the SC Constituent Household's History Plan. Double click on the current FY plan to connect it to the account 


1) Find Fidelity gifts in the email 
a) The details will not open in Outlook desktop app so it's best to use the web browser version


2) Login into Tessitura and open Tessitura Prod with the Development user group

3) Search for the Fidelity Charitable account in Tessitura 
4) Click on the Contribution tab to ensure gift has not already been submitted 
5) Once confirmed double click the attachment in the email, this will open an excel sheet view 

6) Download as a zip file for the CSV – this is important because it's best to have backup information.

7) Move the CSV from your "Downloads" folder into this file path: Network > files > Staff > Development > Admin > Gift Entry and Acknowledgements > Salesforce > Donor Information Coordinator > FY## > Fidelity Backups 
a) If you are working remotely, double check that your VPN is turned on for Network files

8) Rename the file with the Deposit Date indicated in the sheet 
9) Copy and paste the Addressee Name from the CSV into Tessitura to start the gift entry process 
a) Note: the donation money is coming from Fidelity, however, we want to thank the correct donor who issued the gift to be sent 
10) Navigate to the Contributions tab on the Constituent Page to double check that the Constituent is the correct donor

11) Navigate to the History tab and then click on the "Plans" sub section 
12) Double click on the current Fiscal Year plan (FY##) for the household  
13) A new window titled "Plan" will pop up 
14) Type in the donation amount next to "Recorded"  
a) If the "Recorded" amount matches the "Goal" amount, then the Status will be "5 – Funded"

15) Write down the Salesforce number (under the Constituent Household name) on a sticky note or Quick Note  
16) Click on the "Contribution" button in the top ribbon to start a new batch. The button looks like gold bars stack on each other.  
a) Note: This is a different button from "Add Contribution." 

17) Use "Contribution Uncontrolled" as the batch type 
18) Click on "Owner" field and search for Fidelity Charitable 
19) Type in the total amount of the donation into the "Amount" field 
20) Change Payment Method to "ACH" 
21) Click "OK"

22) Click on "Source" 
23) Double click on Cultivated EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) to assign the source 
a) Source Code: 15 
24) Change Date to match the Deposit Date when the contribution hits the bank. 
25) Change Channel to "Cultivated"  
26) Press on "New" 

27) In the "Details" box indicate the "Fund" as Annual Fund – even though the gift came from Fidelity it is still considered an "Individual Gift" because an individual told Fidelity to send it 
28) If a gift is over $500 but coming from a third-party source like Fidelity, then we do not grant membership benefits 
29) Check the source sheet and Change "Designation" to the best one that fits 
30) Leave the "Plan" field as (none) since we want to identify the plan on the Constituent's account rather than Fidelity's. There will be instructions later on how to do this.

31) Click on the "Premium/Ack" tab and select "General Thank You/Receipt" 
32) Next, click on "Match/Credit" tab and add the donation amount to the "Amount to be Credited" under the Creditees box. Then click "Add Creditee" 

33) Search for the Constituent Household and double click on it 
34) You will be navigated back to the Match/Credit tab 
35) Now assign a "Creditee Type" from the drop down - Fidelity will always be "Donor Advised"

36) Return to the "Premium/Ack tab to find more options under "Selected Acknowledgement Letter" 
37) Delete the two "General Thank You/Receipt" but leave the "General SC Thank You/Receipt" 
a) SC = Soft Credit 

38) Next, click on the "Notes/In Kind" tab and add any notes from the CSV sheet into the "New Contribution Notes" box 

39) If applicable, click on "Custom Data" tab to indicate if this is an Anonymous Gift or tributes to anyone 
40) Double check the date matches the effective date and the correct fund is applied 
41) Click "OK" 
42) Search for the Constituent Household and click on the Contributions tab: the SC gift just inputted should be visible 
43) Double click on it 
44) Click on the "Plan" box and select the current FY## plan. This connects the actual contribution to the Constituent's plan 
45) Click on "Close" and then click "Yes" to save changes

46) Continue entering gifts that share the same donation date. Once all donation under the same date have been recorded; move onto the "Close Batch" section

Close Batch

1) Once all donations under the same date have been recorded; close the window overlay or navigate back to your batch screen and click "Close Batch"  
2) Tessitura will return to the batch screen titled "Search By." Below checks the box next to "Closed Batches"   
3) Click on the batch you need to close then click on the arrows pointing to the right to transfer the batch to the other box

4) Once the batch has moved over click on “Post to Ledger” at the bottom 

5) A new window will pop up titled “Posting Details” 

6) Important: Change the posting date to match the Deposit Date 

7) If all of the information looks accurate click on “Complete Posting” 

Congratulations! You've completed posting a donation batch for Fidelity 

Creation date: 4/10/2023 11:48 AM      Updated: 7/18/2023 11:26 AM
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HOW TO Fidelity Investment Contribution Process.pdf
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Process docs for how input gifts and donations into Tessitura