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How to Login into Tessitura


This article reviews the step-by-step process to login into Tessitura. This process is utilized by staff who need to access Tessitura to sell tickets, concessions, memberships, or evaluate analytic dashboards. By the end, the reader will know how to login to Tessitura as well as which steps to take in case access is blocked. Before continuing, please ensure you have received a Tessitura Login Name from IT and downloaded the "Deepnet Security" app onto your personal device.

Index Card:

•Navigate to the Tessitura host login screen and type in your login name, password, and 6-digit code
•Retrieve the 6-digit code token from DeepNet Security on your personal device
•On the TessituraWeb page click on "Tessitura Prod"
•Once application is launched click on the User Group dropdown and select your station
•Ensure "Use Windows Authentication" is checked and then click on "Log In"
•Tessitura will launch and direct you to the Constituent Search page


  1. Navigate to the Tessitura host login screen

2. Type in your Login Name and password
3. Open your phone to access the Deepnet Security app to generate a 6-digite code token

4. Click on "Generate Password" in the app then type the code into the login field

5. Click on "I accept the Terms & Conditions" before clicking on Log On
6. Once the Tessitura Network page loads, click on the icon titled "Tessitura Prod"

7. A separate loading box will pop-up indicating the software is launching

8. After launch type in your User ID, password, and select our User Group
a. You may also click on the box "Use Windows Authentication" without typing in your User ID and password

9. After clicking "Log In," Tessitura will launch and direct you to the Constituent Search page

10. From here you can start searching a Constituent, manage memberships, sell concessions and tickets, etc. 

Creation date: 2/27/2023 4:58 PM      Updated: 2/27/2023 5:00 PM
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